Monday, 27 June 2011


Usually when all goes unusually quiet in the neighbouring room there is cause for concern....Madeleine, smearing Sudocrem all over bear's "sore bottom" and anything else in sight or emptying the entire contents of a tube of Bonjela, has been known. On this occasion I was pleasantly surprised to find her sleeping, albeit in this unorthodox position.
(Note the latex gloves being worn - she likes to pretend to be the physio who cast her leg. One night she wore them to bed and slept the whole night with them on.)

Mummy's Little Helper

This is not child exploitation - Madeleine requested to wash up the dishes after lunch. That was an offer I could't refuse. However, I ended up having to do the whole lot again and mop the floor which had turned into a lake. Practise makes perfect, and I can't imagine the offer of doing menial household chores will continue for long.

Up Close and Personal

Andrew playing about with the macro setting on the camera...

Monday, 20 June 2011

Nice to See You

A visit from Nana & Papa is accompanied by some fun on a helicopter "rider" (as Madeleine refers to them), and some fancy spectacle wearing.

Snarl at the Camera

Not flattering on either part, but sharing in the same sentiment. Caption competition....

Monday, 13 June 2011

Also Growing Up

Thomas is walking full-time. He is saying 'hiya' (into phones, remote controls and across the street), 'da-da' (Daddy), 'nah' (no), 'uh-oh' (endlessly dropping things on the floor from his high chair). He loves being chased about the house and rough-and-tumble (thankfully, as there's no escape with a Daddy like Andrew).

Growing Up

Now that Madeleine has turned 3, her favourite colour has changed from green to pink and she enjoys pulling faces. On the plus side, we're enjoying more elaborate craft activities now.